8 Ladygate, Beverley HU17 8BH, (01482) 863667


Profhilo is an injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) based product for treating skin laxity.

It is not only used for boosting and hydrating the skin, but also remodels the ageing and sagging tissue.

As a stabilised product Profhilo lasts in the skin around 28 days. During this time the stimulation of 4 different types of collagen and elastin takes place by slow release of HA.

The stimulation results in significant tissue improvement. It also has a significant tightening and lifting effect on the tissue.

It is a course of 2 treatments over 2 months and it is recommended for people over the age of 30.

Only registered doctors, dentists and nurses are allowed to administer this treatment. 

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